Monday, January 28, 2013


I have learned that you should take your time reading over the questions and answer options when taking a test. I could improve my test scores by making sure I understand the questions before I answer them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China and WWI

1.Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China favor?

2.What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?

3.List three causes of World War I?

4.How did the U.S. deal with Germaan U-boats?
The U.S. sent ships in groups and were guarded by military vessels.

5.What was the Selective Service Act used for?

6.What new weapons did WWI introduce?

7.How did the Espionage and Sedeition Act affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions

8.Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

American Imperialism after Spanish-American War

Essential Questions:

.How did the U.S. change Cuba's constitution?
They passed the teller amendment.

2.What did the Roosevelt Corollsry build on?
The monroe doctrin.

3.Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
Genereal John J. Pershing and about 15.000 american soldiers.

4.How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
Panama declared its independence from columbia.

5.What is meant by "Speak softly and carry a big stick"?
Theodore Rosevelt's negotiations were backed up by the threat of the military.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish-American War

Jose Marti destroyed U.S. property in hopes on provoking U.S. intervention.
The L'Ome Letter critisized President Mickenley. The winner of the Spanish-American War was American. They won Cuba's freedom and turned over the islands of Guam in the Pacific, and Puerto Rico in the west indies.
The war started after the letter was written. They got soldiers in fear of the war starting. The war was improper.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Education has Changed. A little or A lot?

Back in the 1900's students would rather call in sick
Than to go to school to get hit with a stick,
Teachers had the freedoms to do as they wished,
Students dreaded the place worse than they dreaded spinach.