Friday, November 30, 2012

Because of Electricity

In 1890,
Electric power ran from,
Fans to printers
Nate Salsbury C. 1896

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Major Events before the Civil War

Around 1858, the United States was divided geographically-north and south-while the North became more industrialized, while the South depended more on slave labor.
The issue of slavery divided te country so much that the state of California esablished the compromise of 1850. Around this time, many southern states were seriusly considering succession.
Many people from the North hated slavery, and helped the slaves become free, later being called the abilitionists. When Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, it angered abilitionists. The book described how slaves were taken to be sold at the slave markets.
Two polititions became famous for their slavery debates, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. Lincoln beleived that slavery was against a person's natural rights, while Douglas thought people should decide in thier own states through popular soverienty.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

  1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"
  2. Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority"
  3. What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product? The compromise was heavy tax of 25%
  4. Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?